Naive algorithm for pattern searching
Naive algorithm for Pattern Searching Given a text txt[0..n-1] and a pattern pat[0..m-1] , write a function search(char pat[], char txt[]) that prints all occurrences of pat[] in txt[] . You may assume that n > m . Examples: Input: txt[] = "THIS IS A TEST TEXT" pat[] = "TEST" Output: Pattern found at index 10 Input: txt[] = "AABAACAADAABAABA" pat[] = "AABA" Output: Pattern found at index 0 Pattern found at index 9 Pattern found at index 12 Pattern searching is an important problem in computer science. When we do search for a string in notepad/word file or browser or database, pattern searching algorithms are used to show the search results. What is the best case? The best case occurs when the first character of the pattern is not present in text at all. txt[] = "AABCCAADDEE" ; pat[] = "FAA" ; The number of comparisons in best case is O(n). What ...